We have a new online shop!

We’re super excited to have a new way to access our classes via our own online shop

In celebration of this we’re providing a discount code "SPRING2022" for 10% off classes up until January 31, 2022!

As the holidays are just getting underway, we’ll be updating the shop soon with more payment options. For now, we’re just very excited about the possibilities to come and hope you are too!

Our mission at School of Machines is to make the process of learning creative tech tools more equitable in general compared to institutional learning.

Towards this aim, solidarity tickets are important for being financially inclusive for marginalized artists and technologists around the world interested in learning from the exciting, state-of-the-art programs we offer. If you’re interested in supporting our work towards this endeavor, please consider making a donation. All money that comes into the school gets reinvested into the programs we create and the time we are able to mentor and support our community. We appreciate any and all forms of generosity. Thanks in advance! Hope to see you in the new year!


We’re looking for an intern ASAP!


interview with a collage artist: meet miranda almeida