code nl-d symposium i: reclaiming digital agency

School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe and IMPAKT Center for Media Culture invite you to attend CODE NL-D SYMPOSIUM I: RECLAIMING DIGITAL AGENCY on 26. June from 2pm-5:30pm CEST.

A gathering a brilliant panel of artists, politicians, activists and academics who will confront issues relating to current and new technologies and their societal impact starting from the questions:

What changes do we want?
How can artists inspire these changes?

Amongst our wonderful speakers are Evelyn AustinLeonieke VerhoogQueeny RajkowskiJillian C. YorkMarek TuszynskiSarah Grant to mention a few.

We hope this event will activate our initiative and imagination into what solutions are possible and how we can creatively influence new laws regulating big tech and reclaim our digital agency. We hope to see you there.

Follow this link for tickets.


cereal party: who are we?


2020 roundup!