Michele Walther

Artist Advisor, Project Manager

Since 2010, Michele Walther has been an advisor for artists and small businesses in the arts. Trained as a corporate lawyer, she specializes in strategic planning, time and project management, negotiating, and grant writing, with successful artist grants from Creative Capital, ArtAngel, the Stiftung Kunstfond, and the Capital Cultural Fund (Berlin). Her support for artists and project spaces alike serves to help them develop a sustainable and satisfactory living from their creative practice. She has been an advisor to the School of Machines since 2018.

As a mentor, she helps artists think critically about the professional aspects of their career. She offers assistance in developing career goals; grant research and writing; drafting and building CVs, bios, and portfolios; and time and project management. She can also help anyone feeling stuck, whether professionally or on a specific project, through developing next steps, problem solving difficult tasks, and providing an objective outside assessment.


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